Third float half complete

Categories: Floats

Well, the third float half is now completed.  Dad sanded the bog down during the week


So after double-checking a few things, we laid out the fabric and extra layers


There are some extra layers that aren’t supposed to be there, but some parts of the main fabric bunched up while we were measuring/cutting and I didn’t like the way the fibers were laying, so I added an extra layer on top of it (from the off-cuts of the main piece) just to “be certain” the structure was good.

Wet out everything …


Including gluing and fiberglassing the bow stringer in place


Looks like with any luck, Sunday we should be able to drop the mating half on top and trim the bulkheads to join them.  I’m rather excited about seeing the first float take shape 🙂


Time spent: 5.5 hours