Got a good amount of work done today. We started out getting the port float outside face ready to laminate
1921 … and proceeded to laminate it
1925 1928 You’ll notice some buckets of fairing compound under the keel in this shot, it’s keeping the shape of the foam for the port side of the daggerboard case – got this all cut and worked on it while the float was curing
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I built the mold for the daggerboard case at a friend’s house earlier in the week. Turned out good, if I say so myself.
1894 Marked all cut-lines and reference lines accordingly…. Even decided to properly color-code it in case I was half asleep while laminating.
1898 Dry-fit the foam with HD inserts in place
1901 And did my first vacuum bag (after a late-night run for some felt to use as breather)
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