Alright – everything should be resolved now with the embedded pictures to the gallery. I’ve gone back and edited the pages where I had to put HTML links in place to have the thumbnails. Let me know if there are any problems.
I just realized my Gallery link was broken because of the broken plug-in so I changed the link to point to the generic gallery layout until the issue is resolved. It looks vastly different, so my apologies, but all the stuff is still there.
Ok – calling it quits for the evening. Did not have quite enough time to tape everything; Sette is taped and finished, aft cabin forward bulkhead is bogged in place, aft cabin bunk is bogged in place.
All that’s left now is to fillet/tape the aft cabin forward bulkhead and aft cabin bunk, grind a few more spots and take this hull out of the mould. 🙂
Time spent: 2 hours