Continuing to shape the starboard float

Categories: Floats
So I’ve been rather busy this week with things and haven’t had a chance to upload pictures or write progress. I’m back-dating it to when it occurred and apologizing for the slow updates 🙂 Things would go a little quicker if there wasn’t a waiting time involved in bog drying when it comes to fairing. Can usually do a few hours at a time until there’s a spot that just has to get filled in (almost always because we didn’t plank exactly right or similar reasons) – after that the area needs to sit until dry enough to sand without clogging the paper or just crumbling instead of smoothing.

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No building this week – new product sample arrives

Categories: Materials Misc Boat
Between an out of town wedding this weekend (and one next weekend as well), and the INSANE change of weather, there will be no work done on the boat this weekend. I am instead relaxing indoors where it’s warm. Central Texas is known for strange weather patters, but snowing in April is not usually one of them! Felicia from Utility Composites called me last week to ask how the Raptor staples I purchased from them have been working out for me and to let me know about a new product I might be interested in.

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Sanding, sanding and more sanding (starboard float)

Categories: Uncategorized
Using the longboard is something special. You bond with your boat. It’s like… Zen and the art of sanding…. Ok.. Uhm… Yeah.. it’s not fun.. 🙂 It’s a lot of work, but the nice thing is when you step back after an hour or so and can REALLY see the difference. I guess I’ll rewind a little bit. Last week we did a little work, but between being a little tired from allergies lately, switching jobs and the motorcycle racing season starting, I’ve been rather busy.

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