Took more of the larger offcuts and started laying them out for the port float deck
1234 These were bogged together, sanded and then an outline of the float and areas that required HD foam marked out and put in place. Dad is off to the side making some more tapping blocks for the front pad eye by laminating together scrap fiberglass cloth.
1243 The HD foam then bogged into place
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Spent the first part of the morning fixing the area in the keel taping that had WAY too many bubbles from trying to tape while still on its side.
1228 Once everything was ground out, I smoothed everything over with cab-o-sil where needed and taped using 6″ tape instead of the size called for
1231 This set up pretty quick because of the weather, so the float was taken outside and placed in a position to start working on the keel.
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Spent the weekend cleaning up the inside of the floats and making the first float deck (wanted to do both at the same time, but just didn’t have the space and such to do it cleanly.
Once again, the floats get moved into the driveway for working after making some cradles to support them upright at the beam bulkheads
1131 Nothing else exciting for pictures here as I was quite covered in fiberglass “snow” falling from the sky after attacking things with the angle grinder for a while to clean up edges, openings and get the flange roughed up for gluing the deck in the near future.
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