Starboard float joining

Categories: Bulkheads Floats
A very exciting day, though not *quite* as complete as I really wanted (what can I say – tired, sore and hungry… it was quittin’ time) Started today off with the surprise of a third float half that had the keel foam cut and sanded and the deck flange trimmed 762 This meant we could go straight to work getting the half suspended above into place and start marking areas that needed to be trimmed for a proper fit.

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Reorganized gallery

Categories: Site Related
Moved things around in the photo gallery. Now that it’s January, things get sorted out of order. Made folders for the year, then inside that are folders by month/day. Am also going to go through the old galleries and put descriptions for each day.

Third float half complete

Categories: Floats
Well, the third float half is now completed. Dad sanded the bog down during the week 738 So after double-checking a few things, we laid out the fabric and extra layers 742 There are some extra layers that aren’t supposed to be there, but some parts of the main fabric bunched up while we were measuring/cutting and I didn’t like the way the fibers were laying, so I added an extra layer on top of it (from the off-cuts of the main piece) just to “be certain” the structure was good.

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