Traced the remainder of the float bulkheads today.
129 Also cut out all the carbon UD for the chainplates. Not very happy about the 45-45 glass I have tacked to the top of it right now and will make a better piece before laminating (and after buying some better scissors).
136 Cut out and worked on the first bulkhead infused last week. Turned out pretty good I think. Need to finish digging out foam in the hole and back-fill with bog.
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I originally heard of Raptor composite staples from Henny’s site where he is using them to hold fabrics in place for infusion. When I first researched their product almost a year ago, I thought it would at least be useful for holding fabric still during large hand layups (I still think this, although now it will be used a lot during the infusion process). What sold me was that they can stay in the laminate because they are composite, and the price isn’t too bad for a specialty item.
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Today was filled with a lot of learning. I’ll start with the simple stuff and move into the more complicated.
I’m not sure how I feel about Gorilla Glue in certain applications. Right now we’re using it to piece together the chainplates and the bow-web. It seems to work pretty well – in a distructive test it was stronger than the foam – and it sands easily enough. What bothers me about it is the nature of the glue – it foams and expands as it cures.
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