The resin from Applied Poleramic arrived today. Fortunately, I wasn’t there to move the 200+ pounds worth of goo from where UPS left it on the front porch to the garage. 🙂
Task for this weekend – build the remainder of things for the resin infusion (resin trap and lines), infuse a bulkhead or two and cut out more.
Dexter from Noah’s called to let me know they received some Carbon Fiber from their weaver. It’s not what I was hoping for (10oz uni instead of 13oz uni), but it’ll work fine — just going to double up where needed and make it 20oz total. It’s a tad heavy, but shouldn’t cause too much of a problem since it’s only for the chainplates and bow-web, neither of which I’d mind being heavier/stronger than needed.
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Finished cutting out the rest of the float form frames and mounted/braced them. I forgot how dusty MDF gets. When we cut the main hull frames, I’m going to remember a dust mask. Will be ready to start planking floats as soon as we get some batten material, but bulkheads are going to come first — they need to be done anyway, and I need the practice with this vacuum pump so anything that gets screwed up will be as small as possible.
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