Playing catch-up

Categories: Floats

Whew… I think things at work have finally dropped back off to normal – I actually had this past weekend off (except a few phone-calls), something that hasn’t happened in almost 2 months… hopefully now I can get back into the business of boat-building since dad’s been able to pick up some of my slack on this last float.

Not too much to report other than a bow-cap that is shaped and glassed


… and a float that’s ready for external lamination.


Am also going to try and build the dagger-board case mold some evening this week at a co-worker’s house that has a table-saw and other assorted goodies that I don’t have access to here at home.   Maybe this weekend we’ll be able to laminate the float and start working on a DB case….

Time spent (rough estimate from dad added in) : 15 hours