The resin from Applied Poleramic arrived today. Fortunately, I wasn’t there to move the 200+ pounds worth of goo from where UPS left it on the front porch to the garage. 🙂
Task for this weekend – build the remainder of things for the resin infusion (resin trap and lines), infuse a bulkhead or two and cut out more.
Dexter from Noah’s called to let me know they received some Carbon Fiber from their weaver. It’s not what I was hoping for (10oz uni instead of 13oz uni), but it’ll work fine — just going to double up where needed and make it 20oz total. It’s a tad heavy, but shouldn’t cause too much of a problem since it’s only for the chainplates and bow-web, neither of which I’d mind being heavier/stronger than needed.
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Organized all the CoreCell and Fiberglass between the ceiling hangers and the rack today. Most of the CoreCell fit on one of the hangers above the garage door, the rest is on the rack as it’ll get used pretty quickly.
76 73 Took inventory of everything Noah’s sent while putting things away. Guess they ran out of A500 offcuts or something, because I have a little over 40 A500 offcuts and just over 100 A550 offcuts.
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