Playing catch-up

Categories: Floats
Whew… I think things at work have finally dropped back off to normal – I actually had this past weekend off (except a few phone-calls), something that hasn’t happened in almost 2 months… hopefully now I can get back into the business of boat-building since dad’s been able to pick up some of my slack on this last float. Not too much to report other than a bow-cap that is shaped and glassed

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Work-induced hiatus

Categories: Misc Boat
As I’m sure many of you have noticed from the e-mails I’ve received, there hasn’t been much work on the boat lately. It’s the busiest time of the year at work right now so I’ve been working 7 days a week for almost the past month. Dad has done a lot of fairing and sanding of the foam in what little free time he’s had lately, and hopefully in the next 2 weeks I’ll be able to start putting in some hours on the boat again.

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Deck bonded to port float

Categories: Decks Floats
Shaped the keel this weekend and started filling screw holes and joins on the outside of the floats. Also bonded the deck to the port float and screwed down into place. 1873 Most of the screw holes from the deck bonding are filled and sanded down. Still need to rough-fair the exterior of the deck and float sides, radius the deck-edge join and glue/shape the bow cap before external laminating.

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