Making beam bulkhead flanges

Categories: Floats
After setting up some 1⁄4″ plywood wrapped in packing tape for the flat molds, we needed to make the angled flanges for the beam bulkheads. First came the basic (flat) portions of the flange 1094 Then the mold-plate was placed at the proper angle using a hot-glue gun 1098 and all the layers of fabric were put in place (a few at a time), and smoothed gradually worked and smoothed out until they looked good

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Updates coming soon

Categories: Misc Boat
Sorry for the delay everyone – had to take care of some personal things the past few weeks, but now that it’s all taken care of I’ll be posting my updates (and replying to a number of emails) in the next few days. Don’t quite have the floats ready for exterior lamination, but the starboard float is real close and will most likely be the first float that’s closed up.

Float hardware starts arriving

Categories: Floats Misc Boat
Am suffering from a bit of insomnia tonight, so I thought I’d put up a quick post. Wanted to get the bulkhead flanges done over the weekend, but found myself sick from friday afternoon until sunday afternoon. Feeling ill while wearing a respirator with your head in the confines of a float hull was not appealing, so it will wait until this coming weekend most likely. On the bright side, some of the float hardware showed up this past week.

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