I made a decision today regarding the float half. Not going to infuse it. Plain and simple. There is the area around the deck flange which I think could still be made ok for a seal and such, but between the catastrophe with the Gorilla Glue and needing to clean out that entire area and bog; nervousness of actually doing a part this big right now; and just wanting to get it done and keep making progress, it seemed like a no-brainer after weighing the pros and cons of it all.
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Finished planking the foam today. Was surprised that even with Wurstfest band commitments, dad was able to spend some time planking during the week. I only had 3 pieces to cut and place today.
288 The next thing I did after that was to go around and circle anything that looked like it might have a hole or need some bog placed when I got ready to glue the foam together.
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I’m not sure if I’m really looking forward to how much this torture device will get used during the build… 🙂