Organization of materials

Categories: Materials Workshop
Organized all the CoreCell and Fiberglass between the ceiling hangers and the rack today. Most of the CoreCell fit on one of the hangers above the garage door, the rest is on the rack as it’ll get used pretty quickly. 76 73 Took inventory of everything Noah’s sent while putting things away. Guess they ran out of A500 offcuts or something, because I have a little over 40 A500 offcuts and just over 100 A550 offcuts.

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The boat arrives!

Categories: Materials
Well, not really, but almost all the materials have shown up. The shipment from Noah’s showed up at the freight depot today. 45 Unpacked it all in the parking lot and transferred into the truck for the ride home. 49 Tomorrow will be a few hours of counting, sorting and organizing. 52

Website almost live

Categories: Site Related
I’m just about to consider the new website ready for public use/viewing. I almost have the gallery integrated to the point where I am happy with the display, and I finally worked out the kinks in why the archive section wasn’t displaying properly. Still want to find a way to have the system keep track and tally the time-spent on various portions of the boat instead of manually adding it up.

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