Was not able to get as much done this weekend as I wanted due to weather, but accomplished a good deal with some goals set for next weekend.
I realize this is the same thing only on a different float, so bear with me until more interesting things happen. 🙂
Masked out the deck and made sure to mark all my reference lines dark
1842 Tried to use as much scrap off-cuts as possible for both the deck AND the fabric.
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Have not had a chance to update in a while — been super busy, and not much time left for boat-work either.
Fortunately, there wasn’t too much that was going to get done on the starboard float before going into storage… I’ll spare the boring pictures and put the semi-boring pictures up… 🙂
Loaded up and ready to head out –
1807 Tried to get a shot straight-on, but the camera wouldn’t go wide enough
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Whew…Â I can’t say that it’s ready for storage yet, as the primer did reveal a few areas that need to be touched up (some pin holes that were too big to get filled and some areas around the chainplate that need to look better)…Â Lighting isn’t too good, so hopefully will get better pictures next time when the primer is cured and can be taken outside to look at and sand the few runs we ended up with.
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