A solution to my cutting problems

Categories: Tools
Have been having trouble cutting the fiberglass cloth off the roll and into shape. We bought new scissors but they kept having the same problem. When I would cut the fabric, the stiches that hold the actual fiberglass strands into their pattern would walk ahead of the scissor blades and cause the cloth to get out of alignment and have horrible runs. Teresa beat me until I took her advise of getting some extremely sharp 8″ dress-maker’s scissors from the local fabric shop.

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Not as productive as Iā€™d hoped

Categories: Bulkheads Tools
Today wasn’t quite as productive as I wanted it to be. To start with, yesterday the motor on the radial arm saw burned out so we couldn’t use it to rip the 1×12’s into 1×1’s for battens (looked EVERYWHERE and no one carried 1×1’s. 1×2’s just seemed too stiff). Drove to a friend’s house to use his table saw to rip the lumber (Thanks Fred!). In return I fixed some computer network issues they were having at the house.

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Destructive testing

Categories: Materials
Took a few minutes to perform some destructive testing on the first bulkhead that was infused. Wanted to make sure the bond between the glass and foam was good and also nervous about a boat built of nothing but foam and fiberglass.. šŸ™‚ First test I have no pictures of – it involved a strip of laminate about 7″ long and maybe 1″ wide at best. Braced it between two low shelves and put some weight on it with my foot.

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